Tuesday, May 27, 2008

SDC, birthdays, pre-school promotions, and more T-ball!

Well, again it has been a long time since I have written. I get busy and then I just have trouble finding the time to sit down and write for a while.

Anyway, we went to Silver Dollar City with some friends this month. We had a really good time visiting with David and Tressa Paschal and their 2 kiddos, Abby and Brad. Abby is about Kane's age and they were so much fun to watch together. One minute they would be getting along just fine and the next they would be arguing like an old married couple. We had a great time at SDC and then afterwards we drove on to Springfield and ate at Lamberts, home of the throwed rolls, Kane and Abby thought people throwing rolls at you was pretty cool!

My Birthday was this past month, I turned 28. Nolan got me a pair of running shoes that I had been needing and a watch to wear when I am running. He took Kane to Wal-Mart and he let kane pick out a pink princess dress for me with a matching pink pair of princess flip-flops. He (Kane) had me try it all on and told me that I looked beautiful and asked me if I felt like a princess, and I did, because he sure made me feel like one! It was sooooo sweet! He had been saying that this is what he wanted to get me for months before my birthday. He thinks every girl should have a pink, princess dress.

Mothers day was great! Mom and Dad came and Ruthie Anne was dedicated to Christ that Day at church. She slept through it, but it was still great! Afterwards we all went and ate catfish, it was yummy. Kane, Ruthie, and I went back home with mom and dad and visited for a few days. While I was there mom, me, Kane, and ruthie went to see Tori (my sister) and her family. It was a fun visit, a little wild, but that is always to be expected.

Kane had pre-school promotion the other night. It was fun. They had a ceremony and he got a certificate. He was so proud. They also did some little songs, he was so big and did such a great job. He is still playing t-ball, and he can hit that ball like a pro! It is a lot of fun to watch. They other night we got there and I realized that I had forgotten one of his cleets so, he had to play in one shoe and one sock until I got back with his other cleet. It was pretty funny (he wasn't happy with me for leaving his other shoe, you would have thought I did it on purpose the way he was acting.)

Nolan is good. He is fixing to start being busy with ball camps and stuff. I am just following everyone else around. I have however been feeling like God is calling me to get more involved at church and so, I volunteered to head up Awana at our church the other day. I am really excited to hopefully get that going. Well, there it is, or month of May in a nutshell! Hope to hear from you all! bye until next time...


Cara Norton said...

You all look great in your pictures. Beautiful family. I am excited about you starting AWANA. That is awesome.
It is good to hear from you guys.

Clay said...

hey thanks for finally inviting me to your blog. I was beginning to think you didn't like me anymore haha. Hope the move in's going good, say hey to Nolan and the kids for me. Love ya,