To Spanx or not to Spanx this is the question.

If you remember last week on Fashion Friday we talked about some dresses that I am thinking about getting for a little date night with the hubby. I'm thinking that with any of those dresses I'm gonna need a little bit of slimmin' up help if you know what I'm sayin' (2 babies, Hello!)?!
So I was wondering (before I go spend $80) if any of you have ever used Spanx or something like them? If so I need and want your opinions and input. I've heard some really great things about them.
You can go here and here to see the two I'm thinking about getting. (and check out the before and after shots while your there)
I'm thinking this might be a must have for any fashion: jeans, slacks, skirts, dresses, and fitted shirts. I think Spanx could be the next great diet!!!
Let me know what you think!
Have a Fashionable Day!

I have used Spanx before and love them! You will look at least 10 lbs. or a size smaller when you wear them. They smooth out any 'rolls' you may have, pull in your tummy, and lift your won't be disappointed.
Love your dress options too. Be sure to post pics. Oh, and if you want to see a difference with the spanx. Try on an outfit and take a pic with no spanx and then again with the can see the difference!
Hope this helps. Have a great night!
spanx are the devil. they are super duper uncomfortable. but they work!
target has a knockoff, assets, which are made by the same company as spanx but are cheaper. you might want to try there.
I was going to say the same as Andrea -- go to Target and get the assets - - SAME thing as Spanx, but wayyyyyy cheaper!! Can't wait to see what dress you pick!
Kasey, I found one at JCP for about $35. It was perfect under a fitted dress I wore for a dinner with my husband. It was not uncomfortable or pinchy! Try them on before you buy. Enjoy your evening!
I have never tried them but have heard great things. Those are some amazing before and afters! Can't wait to see which dress you pick.
Heard of them, never tried them, but totally NEED them!! I'm sure they might be a tad uncomfortable just cramming so much in, but it might be worth it to feel so darn good in that dress (I'm speaking about me right now). :)
I love Spanx (or Assets) for the bottom half. My new favorite shapewear find, though, is for the top half. Slimpressions! These were in Redbook this month...slims my jelly belly, back fat and arm flab! I bought a couple and love to use them as layering pieces. I've been wearing them almost daily. No one realizes it's shapewear! has free shipping on them btw.
Yes, I wear Spanx...more than I would like to admit...I say go for it!!!
I have used Spanx before and I say go for it! They will not dissapoint.
You might check the ones out at Target first though. Much cheaper, and I have heard time and time again they are the same.
Have a great date!
Hi Kasey!
I have bought some Spanx tights and nylons and I really liked them.
I am a big fan of shapers - especially for under dresses. I haven't bought the Spanx brand of shapers. I have probably tried every other kind :-)
Target makes a good brand of Spanx knockoffs - I think they are called Slimmers or something. It really makes a difference under a clingy dress or pants.
Let us know what you decide!
My SIL swears by Spanx!
How funny that you posted on this! On my thankful thursday post yesterday this was my number one!!!! great minds think alike huh
I actually recently bought slimming tights from Target (I can't remember the brand, but I'm assuming they're the same ones that they other ladies are talking about), because I had to get black tights for my bridemaids outfit. I've already worn them once, and I really like them. They're comfy and feel flattering.
I've had 3 kids - and I use the Assets from Target at least 2x/week - they just smooth me out and help the muffin top not gross everyone, including me, out!
Like other posters, I have the Assets brand from Target. They work great!
Ding dong, ding dong! Wanna come out and play along? I will not spanx you if you don't. :D
You have been tagged! What's in your Bag? We wanna know. Come on over and check it out.
Have a good one!
Ding dong, ding dong...wanna come out a play along? You've been tagged! Come on over and check out "What's in your bag?"
Happy Valentine's Day!
TOTALLY WORTH IT! However it was a pain in the butt to help my best friend use the bathroom on her wedding day b/c she was DETERMINED to wear her spanxx down the aisle. She better believe I love her after helping with that. :)
I've heard great things about spanx but based on some of your comments I'm going to try the Target brand :) can't wait to see your pics'
Loooooooove them!
I have a suggestion for you if you're wearing them with a dress instead of slacks. They will cut you in the waist, so if tummy trimming is one of the things you're looking to accomplish you may want to go this route.
Spanx sells a high waisted, and by that I mean right up under the ta-tas, style. These are perfect for dresses, I wore them last night for Valentine's Day dinner. They will most definitely do their job and they even work as a mild appetite suppressant because they're so darn tight you can't eat as much as you want. I actually wore them once before I found they have a handy-dandy panty-free option. After the first time wearing them I swore I would never wear them again becuase going to the bathroom was a true nightmare! The dress had to come all the way up so you could get the top and then trying to get tehm back up...seriously, I was in the bathroom for 5 minutes and came back to the table breating heavy. Anyway, while putting them away after washing them I noticed that they are absically crotchless. No not enough for your business to be exposed and uncomfortable all evening but enough that a trip to the bathroom was super quick and easy!
So all that to say look for the high waisted ones if you're weraing a dress.
Good luck!
Totally swear by Spanx! They are hands down, BEST invention ever made!
I've always wanted to try them but haven't. I have been contemplating getting some of the Assets though, because they're cheaper.
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