Hard at work...
At least the down trees were good for something...Jungle Gym anyone?...
I took the kids outside the other day for some fresh air and a walk. In the wagon for Ruthie and a bike ride for the Kane-man. However in these pics Kane decided to join his sister in the wagon...
Kane taken a break from all the heavy duty activity...

Looks like fun! I am loving Kane's boots. Those are too cute.
Yikes! Your trampoline looks like it's been through the ringer. You have such cute kiddos. I love the rain boots.
Cute pictures! I hope you guys get everything picked up from the ice storm, I remember what a pain that was after our last year!
Oh, your poor trampoline! Wow!
did you get those boots at Target? My son saw those (or some similar-CARS), and went crazy over them. I'm holding out for his Easter basket.
Wow, I've seen two other trampolines crushed around where I live. Thankfully ours didn't even have limbs on it or beside it!
Hope the insurance company sends you a BIG check!
Your kiddos are soooo cute!!
Looks like it's warmewd up a little.
I just flew into Illinois from Florida it's Co-o-o-old here!
Oh my goodness - your poor trampoline! What a mess.
Cute pictures though! Your kids are so adorable!
It's so nice to know that the sun is starting to come out. I'm looking forward to some fresh air and walks around the neighborhood. I hope that you were able to get things picked up a bit...looks like it was a task!
WOW! Sorry about the tree. :-(
Your kids are so cute!
Storms are so unpredictable. I'm glad no one was hurt!!
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