Thursday, January 8, 2009

To My Friend Jillian...

I just got off the phone with my friend Jillian. I am thankful for friends like her. I miss her. When we lived in Little Rock Jillian was always ready and willing to load up her 2 kids and head anywhere with me (when you stay at home sometimes you just have to get out).

Every Wednesday we would faithfully meet and sit at our little table at McDonald's while our kiddos played together. She always laughed at me when I went to buy one ice cream cone only to come back with 2 (2 for the price of one, I mean seriously). I always said it was for Kane but ended up eating both of them myself.

Shopping, play dates, exercising (I made her), and she even stayed the night with me a couple of times when Nolan was out of town because I was too chicken to stay alone. She's seen me at my best and worst, and I miss her, and I'm thankful for her friendship!



Lorie said...

That made me cry! My best friend moved to Idaho and I miss her everyday!!

Christy said...

I don't know how I came across your blog, but I'm so glad I did. I love your white frames you painted! Great idea!

Jen @ said...

How sweet. I moved away from my best friend for five years and then moved back.

It's so great to have someone that you connect with like that. Even though you are far apart, it won't break the bond of friendship.

Your blog is so cute. I love the header and the black and white. So cute!


AndreaLeigh said...

very sweet! jillian sounds like a great friend.