Hello Friends!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
I hope FMM helps you look forward to your Mondays a little more than if there wasn't FMM. I know it does me!
You can go HERE to get the rules and stuff for FMM and don't forget to take a cute little button for your FMM post. It can be found at the bottom of the right hand sidebar.
Today's task is to share as few or as many everyday, little tips that you use to make your lives easier. You know- all those special tricks you might have to cook, clean, raise kids, work in the yard, and on and on!
Have fun and I can't wait to learn some new stuff from you all!
1) In an attempt to drink enough water (you know...8 glasses, 8 ounces each or something like that), I sit a cup next to the sink and every time I walk through the kitchen I try to down one.
2) I keep a basket next to my dryer to throw stray, lonely socks in, and then every so often I go through and see if any mates have found there way in there.
3) I fold laundry on my bed that way it has to be put up before the day is over (hello, I can't get in bed with clothes all over it, although the hubs has been known to just put it all on the floor, sheesh!)
4) Yes, I make all my own bread...in a bread machine! Dump it in, push a button, wait 2 hrs, bread! Yes, it's that easy.
5) I make my 4 year old son clean the play room and his room. Sometimes we stop in the middle of playing and I make him clean it so that it doesn't get out of control and then we resume playing again. If it gets too messy and crazy out of control I can't enjoy myself and he will whine that it's too much for him to do and then I end up doing it. And I'm not the maid!
6) A lot of times I double recipes so that I can freeze some. It is so awesome during basketball season (my husband's a coach) and when we're busy to just get something out of the freezer, warm it up, and have a home cooked meal without having to take the time to make it happen. (things that freeze great are: soups, bread, lasagna, beans, red beans and rice, I'm sure the list could go on and on)
7) When I make cookies I roll them all into balls and then only cook the amount I want to eat. Then I take the rest and put them into a plastic container with a lid (separate each row with wax paper so they don't stick together) and freeze them. When we want cookies I pull the amount we want out and cook them and put the rest back in the freezer.
8) Did you know you can substitute applesauce for oil in baking. It's healthier and just as yummy. (equal applesauce for oil)

You are brilliant! I am snagging several of your tips to use. (Although I am a chronic put the laundry on the floor person... but you know why? It's those stupid single socks!)
Brilliant, I tell you!
Hi Kasey -
Those are great tips! Thanks so much for sharing them!
Kasey, I'm so thankful to have a friend with such great tips! I really need to start over-cooking and freezing the extras!
No Mr. Linky this week?
Thanks for hosting FMM -- I always look forward to it!
Great tips, I am with Vivienne on the laundry though I am notorious for piling it right back in a basket and setting it on the floor. :) Great question this week I can't wait to read all the great tips.
Great topic! I always love bragging about myself and learning how all those supper women do it :)
That is such a good idea about freezing half of the cookie dough. I never knew you could do that. I always end up with way too many cookies and many times it takes the fun out of making them because we have so many after! I think I'll bake this morning. :)
Great tips on over cooking and freezing your cookies! I need to try that.
I try to do the same thing with folding laundry on my bed for that exact reason.
Happy Monday!
Great idea, Kasey! I hope that I will get some new ideas, and I shared the ones I have (not many!)
It's so funny - your approach to laundry is the same as mine - I fold it on my bed and I know I have to do it before bed or else I can't get into bed. And my husband has dumped the clean laundry on the floor many times!!! LOL!
Great tips.....thanks for Friends Makin Monday...good job!
I used to put clothes on the bed so I would have to fold them up too, but they ended up on the floor more often than not! lol
I am joining in for the first time this week. I found this feature and think it is such a great idea, I look forward to hopefully joining in each week!!!
;) Carisa
first time joining in - it was fun! i will for sure be back next week :)
great time you gave - i will be using some of them!
I love all of your tips! I used to be so bad at putting nice clean clothes on the floor!
Hey Kasey,
Love learning great tips from others! You had quite a few! Do you know I have a bread machine we got for our wedding almost 10 years ago and maybe used it once! I've been wanting to pull it out...now I am going too. Healthy bread costs so much!
I want to make a whole wheat bread. Have a good recipe to share?
I too do laundary on the bed...so I will put it away. Doesn't always work...if hubby beats me to bed...it gets thrown on our bench!
I have 3 bags for stray socks...I'm sick of it! 1...boys, 2...adult white, 3....adult colored. There are too many socks in there! Soon I am going to have everyone find all dirty socks...have a match it game...and throw away the rest or use them to dust!!!
I'm in for this, have to think of some tips now!
I love that cookie baking tip! Fabulous!
I do a lot of your tips too and I am totally snagging the others! Great list!
Have a great day!
Love your tip now I'm off to post some of mine.
The cookie...ummm are you supposed to bake it? Oops I just eat the dough!
Hey, love your site! I found it through Misty's. If I have time today, I will probably join in!
Great tips. I logged in to Mr. Linkys. Where do I go from there? Also. I love the folding on the bed tip. It's going to help me teach my 4 year old to fold and put his laundry away. thanks!
I shall now have to try the apple sauce substitution.....that and get myself a bread maker....I make it the hardway. At least I don't make all of our bread that way.
Great topic this week!
her is my link in case folks can't access Mr. Linky:
Have a great week!!!!!
I have never thought about freezing extra cookie dough! That is so smart, especially for busy moms who like to entertain!!
Thanks for the tips!
Awesome tips!!
Great tips!
I love this week's FMM!
Wow, those are great...thanks for sharing them. I especially like the applesauce for oil one, who knew?
Super fun tips - I love not cooking a whole batch of cookies at once.
Came over via Carisa @ 1+1+1=1. Hope I can join in another week with you! :)
I love the tips! Especially the water tip! I am going to start doing that tomorrow!
Great tips! I love the applesauce tip- had no idea! I will definitely be using that one! Can't wait to participate in this meme!
SERIOUSLY great tips girl!!! I think I'm going to use all of those!
I LOVE this week's topic!! Finally got mine posted. Better late than never. :)
Stopping by from another SITS girl's blog...I see that you're a SITS girl too...this looks like an awesome idea!!
Love the topic and tips.... I love the double recipe one. I just started doing that. Love your new look too!
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