Hello everyone! Sorry I've been out for a while. We've been super busy and out of town. But I made it back just in time for:

Yes! It's that time again. You can go HERE for the rules and stuff. I am so glad you're here. FMM has become so much bigger and better than I ever imagined because of all of you!
What kind of friends would we be if we didn't confide our deepest darkest secrets with each other? My sister made the comment the other day that from my blog I sound like I have it all together. Well, do I have news for you!: I am so not!
So today's task is Confessions! Spill you guts and I'll start...
1. Monday of this week I ate 2 and 3/4 regular sized Sonic Blasts. No this is not a regular thing I do, but because I try to eat so healthy all the time, sometimes I have moments of weakness, and this particular day I had a few moments!
2. Sometimes I put a movie in for my son to watch just so I can sit down and do nothing for a while!
3. Sometimes if I'm busy doing something else and the baby wakes up and is happy in her bed...I leave her there for a while so I can do what I need to do.
4. Sometimes when my husband upsets me I say hateful things and then immediately regret them but then continue to say more hateful things only to have more regret and guilt. It's a vicious cycle.
5. I am super anal about my house being clean, but I do not remember the last time I cleaned my shower. I know it's gross.
6. Sometimes I spend some of the grocery budget on fun things like clothes and stuff, and then I tell the hubby that I just don't know how we went through the budget so fast.
7. I keep up with our eating out money too, and sometimes when we go out to eat I purposely forget my wallet so that I don't have to admit that I've already spent that budget when it's only half way through the month. (honey, if you're reading this, I'm making this all up for the sake of a good read. *wink-wink*)
8. I was engaged once before the hubster. We broke up 1 month before the wedding because the thought of being married to him literally made me ill, and the fact that he was cheating on me with a 16 yr old didn't help either. Sometimes I think of eat your heart out things I would say to him if I ever ran into him again.
9. I have lived in my house for a year now and there is not a room in it that is completely finished (okay the little man's room is done but only because my mother-in-law came and finished it for me). My bedroom hasn't even been painted yet but has a nice big paint mark of blue that I just wanted to see so I could decide if I liked it or not. That was last summer.
Okay! Share your guilt here! I can't wait to read about it all!!! Don't forget to sign in with the weird Mr. Linky that I don't like as much as the old one, but whatever!

I am looking for friends that would be willing to host an FMM Monday in July. If you would be willing to help me out let me know and I will get with you. Thanks!!!

Yes! It's that time again. You can go HERE for the rules and stuff. I am so glad you're here. FMM has become so much bigger and better than I ever imagined because of all of you!
What kind of friends would we be if we didn't confide our deepest darkest secrets with each other? My sister made the comment the other day that from my blog I sound like I have it all together. Well, do I have news for you!: I am so not!
So today's task is Confessions! Spill you guts and I'll start...
1. Monday of this week I ate 2 and 3/4 regular sized Sonic Blasts. No this is not a regular thing I do, but because I try to eat so healthy all the time, sometimes I have moments of weakness, and this particular day I had a few moments!
2. Sometimes I put a movie in for my son to watch just so I can sit down and do nothing for a while!
3. Sometimes if I'm busy doing something else and the baby wakes up and is happy in her bed...I leave her there for a while so I can do what I need to do.
4. Sometimes when my husband upsets me I say hateful things and then immediately regret them but then continue to say more hateful things only to have more regret and guilt. It's a vicious cycle.
5. I am super anal about my house being clean, but I do not remember the last time I cleaned my shower. I know it's gross.
6. Sometimes I spend some of the grocery budget on fun things like clothes and stuff, and then I tell the hubby that I just don't know how we went through the budget so fast.
7. I keep up with our eating out money too, and sometimes when we go out to eat I purposely forget my wallet so that I don't have to admit that I've already spent that budget when it's only half way through the month. (honey, if you're reading this, I'm making this all up for the sake of a good read. *wink-wink*)
8. I was engaged once before the hubster. We broke up 1 month before the wedding because the thought of being married to him literally made me ill, and the fact that he was cheating on me with a 16 yr old didn't help either. Sometimes I think of eat your heart out things I would say to him if I ever ran into him again.
9. I have lived in my house for a year now and there is not a room in it that is completely finished (okay the little man's room is done but only because my mother-in-law came and finished it for me). My bedroom hasn't even been painted yet but has a nice big paint mark of blue that I just wanted to see so I could decide if I liked it or not. That was last summer.
Okay! Share your guilt here! I can't wait to read about it all!!! Don't forget to sign in with the weird Mr. Linky that I don't like as much as the old one, but whatever!
I am looking for friends that would be willing to host an FMM Monday in July. If you would be willing to help me out let me know and I will get with you. Thanks!!!

Woo hoo! I can't believe I am first but I am up late reading blogs while I wait for my baby doll to wake for his last feeding.
Ok- those are not bad at all (except for the mosey thing...and you better HOPE that your honey forgets to read this post...:)))
hmmm...off to think of my guilty confessions!!!
I'm going to post my guilty confessions too though I seem to do that regularly on my blog anyway. hehe
Your fifth confession made me laugh hard...:)
And I'd be happy to host. I look forward to Mondays because of FMM. Yay!
You're going to be in such big trouble after this! I would host if you need someone. :) Also, I just posted our Eureka trip on my Creekmore Four blog. :)
Hey Kasey! I'd love to host FMM for you sometime in July! Please feel free to email me at thisthatandmyblog@gmail.com if you need any info from me! :)
Hi Kasey, I love your list... and there is nothing wrong with letting a happy baby amuse herself in her crib while you finish things up.
I will think about my list, but I will tell you in comments what I can't post: when I'm mad at my husband, I run all the knives in the knife block through the dishwasher. (He thinks they should be handwashed ONLY). I can't post this because he reads my blog.
If you explain Mr. Linky I can host towards the end of July.
Hi Kasey!
Thanks for the fun. I do the same thing with the grocery budget - funny! You are too cute. I hope things are going well with you and your family!
I love this week FMM, and enjoyed reading your list. Sometimes I blow the grocey money and if I have to tell my husband he is really nice about it, but here is my confession.. If he blows any budget, I get so upset. I am so hard on him and I feel guilty, but I continue to do it. :(
oo the budget.. that is almost always a confession for me :-P... glad you got it all out there in the open :-)
We have cash envelopes too - and that's one of my confessions this week! :) hee hee
p.s. and I SWEAR I never have a problem with linkies unless I'm on your blog. :) I'd delete the dumb thing if I could, but for some reason it won't let me! So again, I'm doubled-up by accident!
Oh, yeah - #6 & 7 - I'm there with you!
#2 & 3 - those are pretty tame compared to the things I've done or let my children do in order to have time alone. :)
You're so cute - great confessions. I'll have to work on mine, but they won't be pretty.
Just posted mine. I would be happy to help you in July you can e-mail me at Lanmansmom@gmail.com.
I love that you made things up for the entertainment of your readers! I never use money that was given to me for one thing on another, never!
I have the calendar marked for the 29th! Happy to help.
This is wonderful Kasey...a bit of confession is good for the soul...and keeps us human too!
Awesome FMM Kasey! I love these. I'd love to host a FMM for you!!
About to do my first ever FMM! This could lead to beautiful things...Okay, it could lead to a huge loss of potential friends if I'm completely honest, but whatever...honesty is the best policy, right? Right???
What a fun topic, Kasey! I feel your pain on the whole Sonic Blasts thing...I'm fairly certain they lace them with crack to keep me coming back for more! :)
It looks like you've got plenty of offers to host FMM in July, but if you're still looking for more, I'd be happy to help out!
Happy Monday!
It's my first Friend Makin Monday!
I can relate to many of your confessions. I keep a pretty clean house but my master bath is always neglected and we have hard water and now I can't get it clean and will probably have to break down and hire a professional to fix it.
HAve a great day!
This is such a fun FMM idea! Your confessions made me laugh because they sound just like mine! I do the same thing with the grocery money but I'll have to remember your smart little trick about 'forgetting' your money at home when you know there's none left! I never feel bad when I mess up the budget because Hubby refuses to have anything to do with it. So if he's not helping me manage the money he can't complain when there isn't any, right? *wink wink*
Love your list! Especially the part about not cleaning the shower ~ I can't remember when I last cleaned ours!
Happy Monday!
You are so funny! I loved your list and could relate to almost all of them. Have a great day!
Great list....I know the leaving the baby in the crib is something I use to always do also.
FMM is getting bigger each week...YEA!!!!
Just joining in for the first time. I've been reading for weeks and had to finally join in too! Can't wait to read what everyone "fesses" up to!
Love it Kasey, so many are like me, but I didn't dare put them in case the hubby reads it!:-) Have a wonderful Monday!
I just posted my confessions!
This is such a good meme today. I think it's healthy to confess our mistakes to each other. Thanks for sharing your list. Have a great Monday!
Just posted! Not sure if my last comment went through--sorry if it did!
Thanks for letting me participate!
Hey Kasey! Look at all the people posting! Awesome! Thanks for hosting each week,
The trash and the showers the only two things I ask my husband to do. Shower are such a pain aren't they. :) Great question this week, very interested to see what everyone will say.
I was going to do a weekend wrap up - I did Confessions instead. Thanks for the fun idea!
My guilty confession is that sometimes (about 1-2 times a week) I get up around 2-3 am and have cookies and milk. Lots of cookies and milk!!
Oh my goodness Kasey....I can relate to every single one. I don't have one room done either. I'm determined to get one done before the summer if over. Oh the choices???
Thanks! And yes, I can relate to everything as well! Love the FMM!
What a great idea! I posted two confessions.
Funny!! I hate to admit the thing about money too....in fact, so much that I would never actually put it into print that the hubs could even remotely, possibly, read! Let me know about hosting FMM....I've not done a Mr. Linky thing before but I'd love to do it!
I am loving this FMM. So often people tell me that it looks like I have it all together. This was the PERFECT opportunity to show that I REALY, REALLY don't!!! {smile}
Great topic! I'm all about confessing, it's basically my entire blog. Because I'm naughty sometimes. : (
Macey : )
Great topic! I totally believe that confession is good for the soul...so long as my husband doesn't read it! lol
Have a great day!
Cool topic and great list! I'm such a major neat freak too but totally dread cleaning the shower!
Love this topic. hopefully mine doesn't make me look too bad.
Hilarious! Target is the best place to get groceries, because that adorable shirt is mixed right in on the same receipt. Hehe.
Numbers 2, 3, & 5 sound a lot like what I might have on my confession list!
Hope you're having a great start to your week!
This is a hoot of a list!
i almost forget to do this..mine is up!
loved your confessions...esp the budget confessions...hilarious!
i would be happy to host a FMM in July if you still need someone.
Oh, how the confession was good for the soul.
I had to laugh at you spending the grocery money on fun things. Don't worry I do the same thing, I even bought a bathing suit last week with the money, did we really need that gallon of milk (no way).
Thanks for the task, it was a blast to complete.
Have a great week!
Just posted my confessions and am joining this Friend Makin Mondays for the first time and love it! I totally relate with you on the not cleaning the shower and not finishing rooms. My shower is absolutely disgusting right now and all of the rooms in my house are "works in progress". It's good to know there are others out there with the same issues.
So essentially, you're just a normal person! :-) I think you do actually have your act together more than most people (but I promise not to tell anyone!!).
Yes! If you do #4 on my post, I don't think you'll have ANY problems...;-)
Thanks so much for stopping by! Your blog is great!
I think I will go crawl under a rock in shame after disclosing mine lol.
I just found you through SITS!! I can't wait to start Friend Makin Mondays this next Monday!!!
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